Safe Sitter Babysitting Class
Safe at Home & Intro to Safe Babysitting
Planning on babysitting this summer?
Sign up for the upcoming Safe Sitter course sponsored by the Cheyenne, Kiowa, Lincoln Early Childhood Council (CKLECC) and learn basic skills for staying safe, caring for children, and handling routine babysitting situatuions.
Tuesday, June 4th in Eads and Friday, June 7th in Limon
Limon Community Building, 477 D Avenue in Limon
Kiowa County Department of Social Services (upstairs), 1307 Maine Street in Eads
There will be a fee of $20 to cover cost of snacks, materials, and two Safe Sitter manuals. (Checks should be written to CKLECC)
Lunch, drinks, & snacks will be provided by CKLECC
RSVPs are appreciated by May 24th.
To register, click below or contact Julie Witt at 719-775-8622 or CKLECC EARLY CHILDHOOD PROFESSIONAL
Spring Training DAy!
Registration is due by April 19th
Saturday, April 27th 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Limon Community Building, 477 D Avenue in Limon
All Cheyenne, Kiowa, and Licoln county Early Childhood professionals
FREE Monthly Early Childhood Professional Training
Early Childhood Professional Training is offered the last Wednesday of each month from September through May from 6-8 p.m. Both an in-person and virtual option is available to participate. Contact CKLECC at (719) 775-8622 for monthly training details.
Are you watching children for a family, friend, or neighbor out of your home? Want to be a stay at home parent?
Contact CKLECC to schedule a pre-licensing training today at
(719) 775-8622A Licensed Family Child Care Provider is more than being a babysitter or keeping children
safe. Licensed child care providers know how to help children grow, thrive, and be happy.
They are trained professionals in early childhood development, safety, health, nutrition,
CPR and more.
DID YOU KNOW licensed providers are eligible to receive mini grants and incentives
from the Cheyenne, Kiowa, Lincoln Early Childhood Council to purchase materials and
help with licensing costs!
Cheyenne, Kiowa, Lincoln Early Childhood Council (CKLECC)
Julie Witt, CKLECC Coordinator (719) 775-8622